
A Personal Marketing Strategy for Job Searches

December 19, 2013 0 comments General

peronsalmarketingYou’ve probably heard people say “looking for a job is my job” or “a job search takes a lot of work”.  These statements are certainly true, with the hours a candidate can dedicate to researching positions and companies, writing cover letters, updating resumes, and networking. However, all too often, job seekers forget to apply the rigor and diligence to their job search that they would undertake if it was, in fact, “their job”.

That’s why it’s important to have a game plan–a personal marketing strategy–when approaching a job search. It’s a competitive market across all industries and positioning yourself with what differentiates you from the crowd is crucial to sealing the deal to land a dream job. Start with the simple questions that are universal to all marketing strategies: What are your goals? Who is your target market (target companies, positions, industries)? What makes you unique (from the hundreds of other applicants)?

Another important component to your marketing strategy is building your personal brand. Consider your elevator pitch the equivalent of a tag line. Concisely, how do you communicate what makes you unique and a stand-out candidate? Once you’ve positioned yourself, build that personal brand into all your job search tools–from the language you use in your resume and cover letter to how you start to grow your job search momentum and visibility across social media. Since social media can help or hinder a job search, here’s a list of 10 smart ways to use it; some ways are as simple (but often overlooked) as letting the networks of your friends know that you are on a job hunt. With 41% of job seekers saying they are landing jobs through networking, reaching out to social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can help promote your candidacy beyond just submitting a resume through a company’s online portal.

Building relationships with recruiters and search firms like Arthur Diamond can also be another tool in your toolbox. An easy way to start can again be through social media where often companies post new positions and a dialogue can be more easily established than through traditional methods. Start today by following Arthur Diamond on LinkedIn, and consider following other search firms or companies that have expertise in the field or industry you are pursuing.

All in all, yes, job searches take work. But often the reward can be proportionate to the effort put forth in its pursuit; in this case that means a specific, personalized, approach will always yield better results.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

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